Biased media:A real threat to Democracy
Democracy is most popular form of government which is most ethical and scientific also. If we discuss about indian democracy media is known as fourt pillar. Means if this pillar is harmed then entire building of indian democracy will be affected. Biasing is the way by which fourth pillar is harmed and so the democracy is. Media can play the role of both fire and foe. It depends upon how media mediate its informations. A proactive media makes the elected representatives and even dictators accountable to public.
I fear more those three newspaper agencies which are against me than three million people who are against me.
-Adolf Hitler
Responsibility of a media house is to provide informations,facts,data etc it doesn't have any right to make viewer's perspective of thinking on different agenda of government but at present media houses are focussing more on view making informations rather than on factual informations.As for example if any news agency compares present GDP growth from average GDP growth of last 70 years of independence then definitely present GDP growth rate will seem ostensibly awesome because economical conditions were pathetic just after independence . Wrong representation of facts only propogate narrative. At present petrol price is around 80rs/lit if petroleum agency decreases its price by 5rs then headlines of biased media will be like ' Highest ever petrol price decrement' but the biggest question is that when per barrel crude oil import price was higher then price was lower and when crude oil import price is less then even petrol is touching sky. Why?
Biased media will not ask our government the answer of this 'why'! Media agency has power to uproot any government because it works as oxygen to fire of anti-incumbency but when media house becomes biased then it works as carbon dioxide to fire of anti incumbency.when the media is biased ,the power shifts from the people to the unscrupulous businessmens and politicians who control media reportings.
Media has been undergoing evolution ,social media is one of its latest example . Social media is platform where we can be both reporter and viewer . We can express our views on various topics . But political parties are using it as a platform to propagate their fake agenda . They are employing thousands youths in order to propagation their fake narrative and these young fertile brains are honoured by a term,IT Cell member! Have you ever thought why your facebook wall is full of such types of narratives ? It is just because of IT Cell . As i think IT cell plays biggest role in vote polarisation. Social media have lost their credibility because of interference of IT Cells of political parties. There has to be proper regulation over IT cells then only aspiration of best Democratic establishment in india will be possible. And regulating authority has to be free from central and state government.
Few days back i came through a fb post ,post says INDIA IS RANKED 87th IN PER MILLION COVID-19 PATIENTS and Post was also praising our health ministry. No doubt this fact is correct but this fb post must have contained the data of total no. Of covid test per million.India is ranked 75th in per million of covid tests! It depends on us how we represent the facts.
एक टिप्पणी भेजें